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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

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Gone... one more

A bunch of events, a stack of moments... in life things just happen, whether we want them or not. So good things do: they just happen, no matter if you were looking for them, they just come unexpected.
Some of them don't last forever, and you realize how important they are only when they're over. Then you really feel sad and empty, like somebody has stolen a part of your life.
Last night tears were dripping down my face and I just could not stop them... I said goodbye to Juan. He's been like a brother for me during these six months, I could have told him everything about me, for every problem he always would have had a nice word for me. That's actually what happened during this period. And I could not stand there, looking at that shape walking the opposite direction, being aware that I could also not see him anymore.

``Man, this was not a goodbye! Wake me up tomorrow before you leave!!''
``That is my friend! Be ready I will pick u up!''

So I went with him to the bus, we had the last coffee together, and last laughs.

``Bye man, take care!! See you soon!!''

Big hug, almost tears, and that's it. Juan is gone.

1 terrible lies

posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 10/03/2005 8:06 PM

Man, that is the coolest thing I heard iin ages... now I have just finished my first lecture and I feel a bit empty. Miss Galway and you above all, all the gun with u guys has been great... lookng fwd to the next and thanks for those last laughs and a proper goodbye


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