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Sunday, September 18, 2005

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Buckie friday

Ed, where's my todo list? Since I'll leave Ireland and DERI in slightly more than 2 weeks, Ed made a list of things I have to do before I go. One of the entries was: drink an entire bottle of . So I did. Last night I bought one bottle and went outside at the Spanish Arch to drink with the lads (as an irish would say): Ed, Aidan, Owen, Fergal, GearĂ³id, Alice, James, Brahmananda, Alan, Dave, Paul and maybe somebody else. Mission accomplished! I drank the entire bottle, but that's it, it was my first and last bottle of Buckfast, too sweet for me. I told Aidan ``Buckfast is shit'' but he said ``but it's good, it's good shit''! It's anyway definitely too sweet for me, and my stomach also didn't like it too much.

While we were drinking, Garda came asking if we were drinking (notice: it's not allowed to drink on the streets in Ireland, don't ask me why, it seems like you can be drunk, make noise and be annoying on the streets but you cannot drink...). We hid the full bottles and showed them only the empty ones, then we moved farther, in an area unaccessible for their car, and also too far away to walk to for lazy cops.

Later on I, Brahmananda, James and Alice went to the Bazaar, a pub just in front of the Spanish Arch, waiting for the others. Actually everybody came but Aidan: three of them were necessary to carry him to a taxi after he drank 2 bottles of Buckfast!!! Greedy!! :P

At that point in time I thought I was quite drunk also for another task in my list: ``pull an ugly irish girl''. So we moved to Cuba, a club in Eyre Square. I was so far away from the truth: I was not even drunk enough to look at those girls, unfortunately the most of them were really ugly (I would have rather preferred replacing the ``ugly'' in the list with ``nice'').

Went to bed at 4 o'clock and woke up at 10 this morning, my head was still spinning. Hungover today, I'd better rest, and go to bed early... oh shit, it's already 2 o'clock! Have to go!!!

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