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Friday, December 09, 2005

Blog moved

I've moved the blog elsewhere, at, since I got my own domain name and installed WordPress as blogging application.

Anyway, a big THANKS is due to Blogger for introducing me to the blogging side of the web.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Go! Team. Do not stop!

If sometimes it's difficult to say which genre of music a band plays, with `The Go! Team' it's even harder. That's why the best answer I can give is ``get the album and listen yourself, you'll like it''. I love their `Thunder, Lighting, Strike' actually, but now I know that they cannot record on a CD what they can give you in a live performance. I saw them on friday 2nd, at Covo in Bologna.

The Go! Team

When the six members of the band got onto the stage, their energy started spreading all over the place and I immediately felt it in my veins. As the guys were playing, dancing and singing so my body was moving, and my mind was dreaming... like it's doing right now, whilst `Everyone's a VIP to someone' is playing in my stereo.

I liked very much `The ice storm' and `Everyone's a VIP to someone'. But the very best IMHO was `Hold yr terror close', sung by Chi, the drummer, who also said a nice phrase in italian (which I don't remember actually, but it was something like ``I hope you're having a good time and you'll like this song''). She was so cute in front of the microphone all alone and her voice was so sweet.

Chi singing `Hold yr terror close'

`Ladyflash' was definitely the best way to end their show (``we came here to rock the microphone''.., they did actually). After that I took a picture with two of them and my friend Abba. Here we go! I'm looking forward to watch them again!

Me and Abba and the team

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