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Thursday, June 09, 2005

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Little creatures grow...

It's 11pm and I'm still in the office working at my laptop. However, I'm not alone, Carlos, Armin and Andreas are here and at least I have a good company.
My p2p network is growing, now peers can find each other and they can join and leave networks. Here's a screenshot of what I have achieved so far

my p2p network running

The 4 xterms on the foreground are connected to swsesrv0[1-4] and they're running the p2p application. With another xterm I can connect to one of them via telnet and can monitor it. The last xterm is used to scp updated files to the servers.

Before coming back to the office after a luxurius (and quick) dinner (bacon and tomatoes... wow! ^_^) I took a picture to two of my house mates, two nice german girls: Gesche and Nicola.

Gesche and Nicola

Will they ever read my blog?

1 terrible lies

posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 6/09/2005 1:17 AM

I hope it all goes well , if you want the 2 new girls to read your blog , then in a group of large people , just slip in to someone else so they overhere the word or website .

We ( I )An "you're my best reader" fan who is looking forward to your finshed work with the Semantic Web cluster stuff



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