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Monday, March 28, 2005

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Snapshot of an Easter day: me in my room, preparing all the stuff for my trip, listening to music. First, the whole "The fat of the land" made me dance like no one, and now "Make yourself" by Incubus, one of the albums I like most. And I'm dreaming, about the past and the future. Lots of memories coming out of my wardrobe, while I'm taking out clothes. And from the music, too.
Damn, I love this music, I love my memories, I love my friends. Yes, I will really miss them! And I would like them to know it, because I couldn't even imagine my life without them. They've been very close to me in this hard moment of my life and I won't never be enough thankful for this. These are which I call Friends!

1 terrible lies

posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 4/01/2005 6:36 PM

I don't miss you, 'cause we still are together!
...and let your new friends try the new summer game: WINK WITH US!
Yes, Mat! I want to see you smiling :)


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